B W 802N versus 801M

Anyone out there given these two speakers a run for their money? I have a set of 801III and am going to the 802N.
Step up, down, or lateral?

Using California Audio Labs CL-2500 (500x5) amplifier fo power.

Your input is appreciated.

If you want better resolution, cleaner highs, better bass, you must upgrade your front end before you worry about the speakers.
I think Audio Magazine did a review of the 802N in Feb '99. And I also think they compared the 802N to the 801 Matrix. You might want to see if you can track down a re-print from a local B&W dealer or better yet take a pair home and audition them yourself. :-) Good luck. - Dan
A couple of things you can do to improve the 801M beyond the North Creek cross-over.
1, the internal wire - find some good quality 9Ns (8Ns at least) wire and connected it from your cross-over to the speaker elements. Make sure you, do it very carefully, use good quality solder to weld it directly to the tweeters, mid-range and your base speakers.
2, put a round wooden pole, 1 to 1.5 inch in diameter, to the side of your tweeter. This is to reduce cancellation, which is to avoid the frequency to do a wrap around. Similiar to the effect currently used by the new 801N series.

There are a few more tweaker's idea, however, I won't go into more details. Try these out and if it works and if you like more, email me, I'll reply.

By the way, most of these ideas are from an editor of a major Southeast Asia magazine who published the article in the magazine a while ago.

Have fun tweaking.