I am stunned

After reading these forums for awhile I can finally say that I am a skeptic no longer with respect to biwiring. I recently purchased a demo pair of Martin Logans from a local dealer and found that I did not have enough money to purchase a decent set of speaker cables. As I was getting ready to take the speakers home the dealer stopped me and offered to loan me a set of cables until I had enough cash (Great Dealer!!!) to purchase some cables. Well, when I got home I discovered that the Logans were easily biwirable and that the cables he lent me were biwire cables. When I auditioned the Logans the dealer must have connected the jumpers when I told him I was not interested in biwiring a set of speakers. I figured what the hell, lets give it a try. I connected everything up, popped in a CD and my mouth fell to the floor. Unbelievable. So from one ex-skeptic to anyone who has a doubt. Biwiring works, I am an EE and frankly do not care why anymore.
Liguy,I am very very happy for you.You are happy with the sound .You still have not told us if you have tried single wire with jumper at home.Only then can you say biwiring is better.So dont get me wrong.I am so happy for your results.I just dont want you to mislead others.
I went from BI to single wire with my set up at home and single wire is better.
liguy, i too, prefer bi-wire to single wire in my set-up. but, i've tried it both ways. (now that i'm running an identical pair of electrocompaniet amps in a vertically biamped set-up, i can say, that in my system, at least, this is *really* the way to go!) i'd really be interested in your reaction to using these same speaker wires, doubled-up to one speaker jack, w/the jumpers in place. you have everything there at your disposal, it would take you only a few minutes, at most, to make the change.

don't get me wrong - i'm sure your set-up in your home is great, & i'm also sure your dealer has an excellent demo set-up. but, i have to side w/those who feel that moving speakers from one room to another, w/who-knows-what different electronics/cabling, will introduce far more change/variables to the sonics, than yust the fact that the speaker wiring was changed from single-wire set-up to bi-wire set-up. are these even the same brand of wire that were used when at the dealers?

regards, doug s.

Ladies and Gents, sorry about the delay. I was on a small business trip. I have, at the prodding of many of you who have posted in this thread, tried putting the jumpers back in and just connecting one set of wires. So here is the verdict. It still sounds great! But not as good as with the speakers fully Biwired. Even though the Martin Logans are not known for their bass, the bass is much, much tighter with the speakers biwired. So there ya have it! I am still very happy with the new speakers and my system in general. I want to thank everyone who responded. Oh...Doug, where ever you are, for you, I will try lintening to a tuna also :-)
For those of you who just read the last post, I was fully sober and I only mispelled "listening" in the last line. Ciao
hi liguy, tanks for the update - all of us who have found benefits w/bi-wiring appreciate yer clarification! ;~)

for tuna-listening, i suggest magnum, fanfare, mccintosh, linn, naim, onix, sequerra, revox, tandberg. i'm sure i'm missing a few. each mfrs' top-models are obviously preferable to their lower models.

regards, doug s.