Logans and Heavy Metal?

I am reall interested in a pair of Aerius I's, and I like all kinds of music. From Jazz to Country, Blues to Extermely Heavy Metal. I've heard these speakers with all kinds of music except Heavy Metal. I've read that they are not that great at the hard stuff. Is this really true? Is it a listenable reproduction of the music, or is it so bad that I should avoid them? Most of my Heavy Metal listening is at work or in the car, but there are those days... These speakers will be used as home theater as well. Any comments or other recommendations are greatly appreciated.
FYI the driving amp is an Odyssey Stratos.
I had Aerius's for a long time about 4.5 years ago. They were my first real high performance speaker purchase. To even attempt to do big time hardrock or heavy metal you would probably want a huge power amp and a fairly small-sealed room. Even then you might find the heavier stuff a little lacking in punch. Electrostatics, to my ears, are everything that people say they are,-fast, precise, detailed, open, etc. But, it took me a while to figure out what they needed more of, weight or meat. All those wickedly fast notes kind of fly by your ears without imparting the meat of those notes. Even solo violin notes have some weight and heft to them. With extra meaty music like heavy metal it is much more apparent--the lack of slam. So, if you really favor big and krunchy tunes- you may want a moving coil loudspeaker. Just my 4 cents, all Martin logans are pretty much huge over achievers for what you pay.
I have the aerius i, hooked to a bat vk200 and at the time I borrowed a bat 3i pre. I played ozzy and metallica and was extremely impressed. They rocked the house w/out a sub. Bat stuff just takes the martins and makes them ROCK. A friend of mine who seen ozzy many times, said it was like he was there and he said he was impressed. Good luck Pete.
My experience is that NO e-stat can play loud enough to do "metal" justice. The one exception to this rule MIGHT be the HIGHLY efficient Innersound Eros. Then again, what one calls "metal" and "loud" are a matter of personal tastes. If you like to listen at WAY less than concert level and have a room that is not real big, you might be able to pull it off. Just don't expect to get any type of "slam" from "heavy" recordings. If you do try to push e-stat's to real high levels, you can expect to either burn out the transformers, arc or burn the panels, toast your amp, etc... This one would HAVE to be checked out first hand before i would think about making it a permanent situation.

For the record, one of my friends ( who does not listen to "metal" ) is trying to achieve "high" listening levels with his e-stats. Even bi-amping with two stereo amps rated for 400 wpc are not giving him the results that he's looking for. Sean
Sean,You are corrent about getting away with it at more reasonable levels but I have not been able to arc the panels yet. That is with a Proceed HPA2 cranked up to around 2:00 They just start to get congested at the higher volumes. I usually do not listen any where near that level though. The preceding tests was performed with plenty of beer and hard rock.
A thought about planars in general: I've had my Apogee Stages for years now and hate to consider replacing them if they break. That said, there are times when listening to rock that I miss the visceral impact a dynamic speaker can give. Sometimes there is no substitute for having the sound of a bass drum reproduced by a cone driver so the sound thumps you in the chest. Perhaps that's what's missing for you who are disappointed by heavy metal through Martin Logan speakers.