VANDERSTEEN 2ce signatures?

comment's on the performance of this speaker,in particular
audiophiles using them with tube amp's.thank's in advance.
Got to put in my 2 cents on this one. I'm a Vandersteen owner since 1988, when I bought a pair of 2Ci's. Eventually moved on to the 3A's, and now have 3A Signatures. My listening room is roughly 12'x17' with 8' ceilings, and my Vandies sound great! Have gotten many positive comments about the system from visitors to my home. The 3A Sig's are driven by a Bryston 4B-ST amp, which is a fine performer with these speakers. I have been a high-end audio salesman at various times in my life (sold B&W, Klipsch, JBL, Martin Logans, etc.), and I still think the Vandersteen line represents one of the best values in audio.
The Vandersteen Model 2 may be the most "Honest" product in hi-end audio history. The designer has priced these things at the lowest possible point, with no compromise in sound quality. The speaker is a flat out accurate reproducer from top to bottom. Coherency is comparable to a 2-way point source design. This product will not be embarrased by any loudspeaker. This is the type of company that is doing all it can for you, the end user. Even though I am an electrostat user, I am constantly amazed at how good these things are. A pair of 2Ce speakers is all most people will ever need. You can rest assured that your money was very well spent. The true "benchmark"......Frank
As with most Vandersteen speakers the 2ce is an incredible value that competes with anything in its price range and a bit above. The only thing that keeps me from buying Vandys is the relatively laid back treble response. This is a personal taste thing, but for me music like rock or modern jazz sounds a bit clouded and I feel like I'm missing some information in the upper upper octaves. Otherwise this speaker matches or beats anything it its class, so if you like the laid back sound I'd put these at the top of my list. Otherwise look at Soliloquy 5.3s or Triangle Zephyrs/Antals that exhibit many of the same characteristics of the 2ce but have more extended highs and are also very tube friendly.
