I admit I'm a bit extreme, but every time I want to do some serious listening I wheel my 32" TV outta there to open up the space between my speakers. The difference is night and day and well worth the effort given the sonic rewards. Everything opens up and breathes better and the bass becomes tighter, and a 3D soundstage appears--this all gets hidden with the TV there. If at all possible I'd try to get the TV on some kind of stand with wheels and show it the door when it's time to listen. It takes some effort and I have to undo/redo a few connections each time I move the TV, but the results are so much better I don't mind doing it. Maybe get a friend to help you remove the TV to see if it might be worth it for you too. Failing this, you might try draping a comforter or thick blanket over the TV which may help minimize any diffractions/reflections the TV may cause. Well, I'm off the the chiropractor(man this hobby takes a toll). Best of luck.