Amplification for Maggie MG 1.6Qr s

I would like to hear from the many Magnepan MG 1.6Qr owners
out there. What have you liked best in both/either integrated amps. or seperates?
I didn't have the 1.6Q's but did own the SMGa's once. As stated they need current. I had a rotel 990 and the aragon 4004 on them. The aragon sounded better. I did hear the marsh on a friends 1.6Q s and they really sung. The marsh is one hell of a amp.
...thanks for the replies! Anyone have any experience
using the 1.6 Qr's with Classe or Plinius integrateds?
I've owned two Plinius'. I never heard them with the 1.6s, but I think it would definately be worth a listen. The Plinius is an amazing integrated, in the right system. My guess is, matched with the Maggies, great mids, imaging and dissapearing speakers.
I used the Plinius 8150 w/the Maggies until I sold them (the speakers; still have the amp but am considering moving on there as well). It was a very, very good combination, not surprising given teh Plinius' 230W into 4 ohm capability. Hard to imagine a better match.

I agree with Ramstl. Current , current, and then a little more...current. Maggies, like all planar/magnetic panels (Apogees for example) crave it. I have found deeply biased into class A operation work great. Reference Line (yes, they still do exist, look in the manufacturers section), Threshold/Forte (especially a pair of 4a's), older Classe, Pass, Plinius and so forth. I especially like the Reference Line stuff and were designed specifically to drive 3-4 ohm loads. They are "cheap" on the used market...if you can find one.