Wait a minute, I'm a bit confused. You're using a Cayin integrated right? Now which do you have, the Rotel amp with Marchand crossover or a subwoofer using the KG5230 plate amp?
You shouldn't need another preamp since either the Marchand such as the XM9 or KG5230 with their crossovers and volume control would function as such.
If the Cayin has a preamp out you should be able to run that to the Marchand then from there to your sub amp. Or if you're using a KG5230 plate amp, that will have a crossover, volume control and amplifier all together. So in effect, the Marchand and your KG5230 are both preamps/crossovers.
Form there hook the sub to either the speaker outs from your Rotel amp or the KG5230.
You shouldn't need another preamp since either the Marchand such as the XM9 or KG5230 with their crossovers and volume control would function as such.
If the Cayin has a preamp out you should be able to run that to the Marchand then from there to your sub amp. Or if you're using a KG5230 plate amp, that will have a crossover, volume control and amplifier all together. So in effect, the Marchand and your KG5230 are both preamps/crossovers.
Form there hook the sub to either the speaker outs from your Rotel amp or the KG5230.