Maggies and subwoofers

I have a pair of Maggie 3.6 speakers. Has anyone found a good subwoofer to mate up with these? I'm considering two Vandersteens or 1 Revel B-15. I'd sure like to hear other peoples experiences, choices, or experiences. Thanks.
The Rel is a nice less expensive solution. I thought the 3.6s sounded great with the REL sub.
I'm using a REL Strara 2 with my 1.6's. Every now and then I turn it off and I shake my head and wonder how I ever listened to these speakers without it. It was the best addition I have ever made. My system consists of: Sony 777 sacd, Theta Gen Va, Placcette Volume Control, Music Reference RM-200, 1.6's, Rel Sub
After having heard a few subs with the Maggie 3.5/3.6's the best subs which integrate the best are the REL's. The Strata and Storm are probably all you will ever need.
Any decent sub will sound good. The trick with the maggies is to run the crossover as low as possible. I run mine at 50 hz with good results. If you run them at 80-100 hz the results are not as good. The problem you run into is in running a dipole with a monopole.
have i missed something? ithought everyone was loving the vandersteen 2wq subs with the maggies. (audiouasyulum concurs in many posts) i know that i love mine with my acoustats. if there's something better out there tell me now and i'll buy it! :)