Amati owners?

Hi, I am looking forward to meeting other Sonus Faber Amati owners out there to discuss how to get the most out of them. Please drop me an email or post here. ( (
Hi adsal and twinstick! glad to meet you both.
Like twinstick mentioned, I find the Amati very much on the thin side too. I finally had it professionally measured (speakers in room freq response) and found that there is a huge suckout region from 140Hz to 500Hz. HUGE, i mean by 20db! (I can send you the graph). No matter how I move them and locate them, same thing. This pretty much corresponds to the Stereophile review's finding, only much exagerrated in my room.
I had the Guarneri. They are MUCH more musical. It seems like the Amati is a huge departure from the G's audio goal.
did anybody listen amatis with sonus fabers musica integrated??we tried guarneri with goldmund 29 ,sound is wonderfull but thin.i think best choice is tube for amatis
belive me i had too many speakers (soundlab,proac 4,wattpuppy,b&w.....).and i m happy with i told you before its a difficult speakers.they are looking for too much synergy with cable,amps and suggestion is call sumikos people or call robert stein from cable company
i too have my fair share of speakers.
i am quite lucky to live in Hong Kong. the amount of equip we can audition within walking distance is quite shocking. yes i have listened to the musica. and no, they did not help the problem i think the amati design suffers. i would love to 'stand by' my decision of chooing the Amati, but they certainly have their problems. I try the Amati with CJ, ARC, Graaf and other tube amps. NO component would add 20db to the 140Hz to 500Hz region.
What is your current system?