Avalon or ProAc?

I've narrowed my choices down to either the ProAc 3.8 or the Avalon Eclipse Classic. Maybe a used pair of Opus or Response 5's if I can find them. Any of the above choices would be run on solid state gear. Love a wide, deep soundstage but I'm very partial to a speaker that really images well. Anyone with experiences with any or all of the above choices I would appreciate hearing from.

I have only listened to the 2.5's from ProAc, so it's isn't an apples-apples comparison...but I'm going to place my recommendation behind Avalon anyhow. I have owned the Radian HCs and now own the Eidolons and nothing else that I've listened to w/in 3x the price range has come close to the articulation/imaging and soundstage that the Avalons are able to project.
To my ear, Avalons sound more precise and clean but I vastly prefer to listen to music over the Proacs, no contest. Try listening to them with less intellect ( which one "images" better) and more with your heart.

The reason I am using my "intellect" is that the only Avalon dealer in Colorado doesn't have the particular Avalon model that I am interested in. That is why I was asking about things like imaging, soundstaging and bass response. Anyway, I went and heard the Eidolon, as well as the Watt/Puppy 6's, Avantgarde Duos, Kharma Ceramique 1.0's, Revel Studios and the ProAc Response 5's. IMO, the ProAcs came in last.