Avalon or ProAc?

I've narrowed my choices down to either the ProAc 3.8 or the Avalon Eclipse Classic. Maybe a used pair of Opus or Response 5's if I can find them. Any of the above choices would be run on solid state gear. Love a wide, deep soundstage but I'm very partial to a speaker that really images well. Anyone with experiences with any or all of the above choices I would appreciate hearing from.

To my ear, Avalons sound more precise and clean but I vastly prefer to listen to music over the Proacs, no contest. Try listening to them with less intellect ( which one "images" better) and more with your heart.

The reason I am using my "intellect" is that the only Avalon dealer in Colorado doesn't have the particular Avalon model that I am interested in. That is why I was asking about things like imaging, soundstaging and bass response. Anyway, I went and heard the Eidolon, as well as the Watt/Puppy 6's, Avantgarde Duos, Kharma Ceramique 1.0's, Revel Studios and the ProAc Response 5's. IMO, the ProAcs came in last.
1. Avalon Eidolon. They should be #1 considering the $100k worth of gear they were hooked up to, but the best combo I have ever heard. Absolutely amazing!
2. Avantgarde Duo. Unbelievable clarity and soundstage plus great bass. 103 dB sensitivity, 8 ohms impedance. Tube fans would love this speaker. 10 watts made these sing.
3. Revel Ultima Studio. IMO, better overall coherence than the Wilson Watt/Puppy 6's (at half the price!) They sounded great with Rotel gear! Giant killer.
4. Wilson Watt/Puppy 6's. Great clarity and imaging but lacked bass. For $20k you should get it all.
5. Kharma Ceramique CE 1.0. These showed flashes of brilliance, but paired with solid state they were painfully bright. I'll bet an Audio Research VT100 or 200 would make these sound great.
6. ProAc Response 5. IMO, they just sounded lifeless after listening to the Avalons, Avantgardes and Revels.