Amps/Preamps for Revel Studios

I just purchased a pair of Revel Studios. I would like some suggestions of new/used amps and preamps that will be a good match. I'm interested in amps first, and would like to spend under $5000 for one. I'm considering the Bryston 7b monoblocks, Proceed HP2 and laterally biamp, or used Levinson, but any other suggestions would be helpful. Thanks for your views and experiences.
I have a pair of Revel Studios and used to have a Levinson 331. Then I tried a Pass Labs Aleph 4. I went back and forth over a 2 month period because I did not want to part with the 331, but everytime I hooked up the Pass amp, I knew the levinson had to go. no comparison ... the Pass is much more natural, open, and detailed.

I'm glad Lev335 loves his levinson amp, but I'll bet he's never heard the Pass amps in his system. He would be shocked.
mg123 I have heard the pass gear and it is awesome but I prefer the Levinson sound espeacially on the revels. I glad you love your pass amp thats what its all about we buy because we love it. Also the I to owned a 331 very good amp but a little bit cold sounding. The new series Levinson is worlds better than the older 300 series. I now have a 335 and I was amazed with the improvements Levinson has made. Before my 331 I had a krell amp so thats why at the time I thought the 331 was the cats ass. And when I tried the 335 I new that the 331 wasnt as good as I had thought it to be. Not to say it wasnt good it was but as I said it was a little cold sounding and the bass wasnt as controled as I had wished but great mids and highs. So if your going Levinson go with the new series. And good luck. If you hear one you will understand my loyalty.