External HD question

I currently have a 2TB external drive connected to a little netbook that streams to an Airport Express (then to a DAC Magic/Brio-R). Sounds great.

I would really love to cut the streaming out of the picture. I would really also love to *not* have a laptop--however small--sitting next to my stereo (not to mention that it is my understanding that XP is not great for a direct connection).

What is the minimal product I would have to buy to accomplish as-direct-as-possible of a connection to my DAC? I imagine it would have to have some sort of operating system, GUI, and inputs/outputs...I have been told that some Logitech products may do this, but frankly, I am trying to keep everything of very good quality.

I am afraid that a chorus of people is going to say either "get windows 7 and suck it up" or "get a mac mini." Isn't there some tiny little box out there that fits my description without paying for a new mac?

As always, I am sorry if I have duplicated anything from a previous post--I tried to search around.
Dcowen, that's pretty much exactly what I do. I use a computer I built several years ago from a few parts from Newegg for $4-500 or so, and run Linux. It runs the Logitech media server and has worked flawlessly for years.

But the Mac Mini is a slick solution, and is inherently a low-profile chassis that will work well near the audio gear.

What you might be looking for is something like the Bryston BDP-1 Digital Music Player. It is based on Linux OS and it's sole function is high quality playback of digital audio files. There are others out there including the Auralitti on which the Bryston design is based.
Mwheelerk, I looked at the Bryston product you mentioned on their website. It seems interesting, but I don't think it's what the OP is going for. For one, it costs north of $2000, and still requires a computer to rip CD's and tag music and collect files onto a USB drive to hook into the Bryston thing. It looks to me like Bryston has made its own version of the Logitech Transporter at twice the cost. And the Transporter gives you access to Logitech's free multi-platform music server that can be run on just about any machine.

For someone who was concerned about the price of a new Mac Mini (under $1000), that's very steep, especially since it doesn't alleviate his need for a computer.

I still think that at the moment the Squeezebox and a DIY PC (Linux or Windows) vs Mac Mini represents the best bang for the buck and most flexible option among music servers (it retains the ability to handle multiple systems at once, which a computer-only option direct-wired to a DAC doesn't). It's frustrating, though, that more manufacturers haven't offered a good, effective solution at a competitive price. After all, storage space is cheap (even with the flooding in Thailand that interfered with Western Digital's hard drive manufacturing and drove up prices) and networking interfaces are cheap. That's really 90% of what a music server really needs.

I still think there's a big opportunity for a manufacturer to come up with a slick and inexpensive solution to this problem.

Well, a little late, but as a followup, I ended up with a NAS and bought a Sonos zoneplayer. Everything hardwired via ethernet. It's pretty slick and the Sonos interface is nice. And I got JRiver MC for my media management. I'm happy. Thanks everyone for all the input!

Now that I am happy, it is mandatory for me to look at the next upgrade...the Linn Akurate DS is sure nice...