How many of us have worked in audio stores?

Just wondering how many of us have actually earned a living working in audio stores at some point in our lives...

To start, I used to work in Stereo Warehouse of PR in 1982-83 when I was 20 years old. The stores owners were concert promoters, so it was a triple play in which I was exposed to show business and record sales, too.

I also worked in Gallager TV in upstate NY back in 1988-89. The owner is a TV freak and a competent salesman Circuit City and Best Buy haven't been able to knock down.

Anyone else?
Started out buying and selling in small town, buying gear from the "warehouses"(Illinois Audio, 37th ST. Audio etc)and reselling. Went to work for Scott Sound Center in Memphis Tn a low to mid fi to occasional hifi(we had Superscope, Pioneer Centrex, and AR LST's, and had guys that would sell you that system, go figure) during the big audio boom of the mid 70's, CMC Stereo hired me from them(a huge mistake on my behalf)and moved me to Dallas, they and I both went bust just a little bit later. Everybody lost track of the sound and became more concerned wiht the money. Great experiences all though, and learned so much and met a lot of great people. Just bought some gear from one of the guys I worked with back then, big ole deja vu there. Actually just got back into it for myself, and its still very much a joy to be involved in, especially when you don't have to worry about how much money is being made for someone else.
I worked at Franklin Music in Atlanta (mid 70's). They sold records and audio equipment, the best of both worlds. That job didn't pay squat, but the musical education and benefits (promo records and free tix to concerts) almost made it worth doing free. I really loved that job.
Have worked and am still working in a dear friends highend shop from time to time. Don't get paid in $$$, but love helping out. My payoff comes by way of listening, in my own room, some of the finest gear in audio. Also much of the hotshot, ripoff cables. We will sit for hours doing AB comparisons. We will sit an listen to wires, that beat up some of the most highly praised wire. It always amazes me why some people buy what they do. Especially because of nothing to do with sound, but because someone wrote a great review. There are so many great products out there that do not get the recognition, that sound so much better than the highly reviewed pieces, yet the better sounding gear will many times be overlooked. I have even heard one man say that this is a much better sounding product, but will buy the more expensive product because of a review. I do not, or will I ever understand this. Can anyone explain this to me. I am sorry, but I am going to have to steal from another member. I hope he forgives me.
I remain totally cluless.
I worked and owned my own Hi-Fi store in Western Canada for 20 plus years, 72-90.