New Maggie Owner; What amp????

Dear fellow Audiots and audiomaniacs,
I just bought my first set of Magnepan/Magneplanar 1.6qr. I need to buy a good integrated amp. My budget is $1200. How much power do I need? Also, will the Audio Refinement Complete be enough power for the Maggie 1.6's. Thank you and best regards - hififile (Bennett)
I think you should listen to the Classe integrateds. If you could stretch your budget, you should check out a used Plinius 8150 integrated. I have heard Classe with the Maggies, and it is a nice match. In any case, make sure you have enough current to drive them.
A Sim Audio I-5 would work very well.I prefer tubes but dont know enough about the Maggies to know if tubes work well with them.
I listened to it for months and decided to go with tubes.For a SS amp its very nice.
For $1100, you can order a 150wpc Odyssey Stratos from Odyssey Audio. I highly recommend this Amp. It is a leader in the "value for the money" category. I have been so satisfied with this purchase, I have purchased a second unit and will have them converted to Mono blocks. Check the reviews at Audio Review. The Buzz is real.
I don't own mags but I did hear the 3.6 with a byston 4bst and it did sound quite amazing. With a 20yrs warrantee. I myself run a bat vk200 with aerius i's and I am very pleased with that combo. My friend ownes the little mags, I think they are the MG not sure but they sell for around $600 and he bought my bryston 3bst and that combo sounds very good. But you have the 1.6 so if you consider bryston go with the 4bst. Good luck pete