It never ends....

Well, I went down to the local dealer for their Memorial Day sale. Did not really intend to buy anything; maybe just avail myself of their wonderful offer to accept at 100% trade-in for speakers bought there, so I brought the sales slip for the Aerius' I bought there in Dec 00 "just in case" something there caught my fancy. Wouldn't ya know it, the Ascents were just waiting my arrival. Could be the end of the story, but ohhhhhhhhhh no.

So, I'm standing there with the sales slip for the Aerius' that are sitting in my house getting ready to "do the deal" and the salesman says "Geez Mitch, bet those Areius would sound great in your home theater" (which is all Klipsch right now). The wheels start to turn in my head..."I got this huge refund from Uncle Sam and all I did with it was pay off bills (mostly stereo stuff), I'm starting a new job in 2 months that will just about double my salary, there is no "Mrs Mitch" at home to bitch (man, do I love that rhyme, although the previous two Mrs Mitchell's weren't to crazy about it) at me if I do this...heck...I ought to be a bit self-indulgent and just skip the trade in and buy the Ascents out-right..."

Did just that. So now for my home theater I also need the "Bat Wing" M/L center channel and some M/L surrounds...of course, with this quality speaker, I'll need to scrap the Technics Dolby 5.1 reciever for a whole bunch of Levinson, BAT, C/J, Proceed or Anthem stuff...

You know, it never matter what you have, you always want better. Complacency breeds mediocrity...

I can still remember (faintly at best) my first Radio Shack any of you remember your first stereo?

Anxiously awaiting the delivery of my Ascents (with the custom made side panels of course...)...

Vermonter, start with a good digital cable, do the long speaker cable runs later. Harmonic Tech Cyberlink Platinum, or Acoustic Zen MC2 come to mind. If system is bright at all, try MC2, if neutral, try H.Tech.
Bob (aka snooker)

Born in Burlington (oh so many years ago)--moved around a bit, then returned to Vt (Northfield) as a 7th grader. Whole family is still in the state...I am the wandering one of the clan. I leave for Bosnia in 2 months to rebuild everything we bombed during the war...gonna be a hoot!

There is a user on the site (PCC) from around Portsmouth NH who seems to have a good line on stereo shops in that area if you are interested in a road trip...he must have good taste 'cuz he has M/L Aerius's as well...

You know, when ever I made a large, kind of impulse, purchase in the past, I'd inevitably get buyer's remorse (jeez, that was alot of money you did not need to be spending right now...). What is starting to scare the heck outta me is that when I've got some obscenely expensive cables headed my way, or some speakers that are gonna be really nice (but cost alotta coin), I don't have buyer's remorse--I just sit with my nose pressed to the window waiting for the big blue USPS or big brown UPS truck to pull up in my driveway (stole that thought from someone else on the site). Kind of a stereohponic pavlovian response. This is gonna be expensive...

Mitch...when we were growing up there were fewer people here than cows. Now we are up to almost 600,000 residents ( a tall building's worth in NYC ) and most of the cows are gone, but we Vermont audiophiles had better stick together, 'cause I got more fingers than our total....and I don't have extra. I am on a first name and and coffee- with-milk-no-sugar basis with my UPS driver.

Vermont was much nicer back when the cows out numbered the people...but then again, some of the newer residents (the flatlanders) in some ways are indistinguishable from the bovine.

I'm in the Air Force as a civil engineer (for another 2 months)--what do you do?
