I spent a bit of time a few weeks back listening to the ER-One with the 1SC's and came away a bit disappointed. Generally, I thought the bass was a little flabby and didn't extend to the lower frequencies very well. I played with the crossover a tad (the unit allows you to adjust the high/low freq levels as well as the crossover freq and volume) and found that while it made a significant difference to the sound, I never was able to dial it in quite right. I wasn't able to change the placement of the sub, so it is possible that it needed to sit a better spot to sound its best.
A few things it did have going for it was that it looked great (will fit easily into a living room decor), wasn't terribly large, and had that nice, warm Proac sound. Perhaps under better conditions I would have been more impressed, but as it was I left feeling that a better sub could be had for the money.