"The Heat is On" -- ALERT

In answer to Sean's thread "The Heat is On", I mentioned using armor-all or similar, solvent containing products, to treat the rubber surroundings of speaker drivers.


I just got feedback that this has caused premature ageing (rubbers losing elasticity & cracking). Many thanks to the kind A'goner who took the trouble to e-mail me...

My humble apologies & again, BANISH the idea COMPLETELY.
On a serious note. I don't use Armor All at all, even on my car! Because after a while, the dust stick the surfaces where you apply Armor All. It is terrible! Also, I cannot stand the smell!

Be your own judge, but I have been using Armor All on many many things for thirty years and have never noticed any damage. I owned a 1973 240 Z Datsun that still had it's dash without the cracks so many had when I sold it in 1984. I used alot of Amor All on that car. You did have to strap yourself in good though as the seats did get slick. I also have been using it on wood firniture for as many years. (Though I have heard that if I ever want to refinish any of that furniture I may be in trouble, but as of yet no problem.) I have heard that if you use it on something; it is best to continue to use it or that will cause cracking etc..., but I don't know. Like I said: You be the judge. Me: I'm still using. (Armor All that is.)