Best speakers at show? Merlin by far

Never got to heard them before because of the sticks where I live but have followed them for years--and went to hear them after Planet HiFi and Soundstage. Hate to jump on the bandwagon and imitate Absolute Sound, etc reports but best by far were Merlins! Blew me away, Crowded but I didn't want to leave so went to Sim Audio and listened there too! Wow! Anyone selling red ones? Cheap? I'll take them, just post em here with a tube harness, I think it's called. Thanks.
Couldn't agree more, Doug. Heard them at CES '01 and was blown away.

Gimme an Ice Blue set. Gorgeous.
The Merlins were very good, but in view of all the other great sounding exhibits that I heard, like the Joseph Audio speakers, the Impact Technology Airfoils, and even the Newform Research R645s -- as much as I liked the Merlins, I'd have to say that "by far" is a slight exaggeration. Still, for the money they appear to be a very good value, the finish is first rate, and they don't dominate too much real estate. The sound with the OTLs was very respectable.
Didn't rock my boat like Plato. Very good but finish and knuckle rap test while good, wasn't up to the Merlin. The sound was fine on Joseph, but on bigger ones I detected some suck-out (pleasing sometimes) and a little strange but euphonic phaseiness--could the phase be reversed in demo? I also got to question them and other speaker manufacturers on their drivers specifically mentioning the big silk esotar in the Merlin and they kind of blanched. I know the cost of them as a DIY and I saw some really cheap off-the-shelf drivers on many, many expensive speakers. I know, I know, they all say they modify them, have them built to their specs, etc. But an off the shelf driver I can buy (especially the preponderance of cheap titanium tweeters in very expensive speakers!) for $20 bucks isn't going to to cut it in a 6000 dollar and 25000 speakers (I saw the same $20 OEM titanium dome in two at those exact price points.) That's always bugged me about Aerials. Love their cabinetry and bracing and finish, but the components ("made special and modified for us") are not worth the cost of the speaker. Believe me, after making many pairs, I can guarantee you the limited edition Esotar in a speaker under $10K is mindblowing! The Khorus also uses a cheap titanium (no wonder the 80% off retail on resale at Audiogon!