Best Budget Bookshelf Speakers?

I'm looking into buying bookshelf speakers for a bedroom system, and am trying to decided between PSB Image, Tannoy mX2, Wharfedale Diamond 8, Acoustic Energy Aegis 1, and B&W 303's. I'm currently running a Sony CD/MD deck through the Musical Fidelity X-10D, into an Onix A60 integrated amp, using Wharfedale Opal 30 speakers. Besides the speakers mentioned above, any other recommendations would be much appreciated (Mission, Diva, etc???). Thanks!
My favorite, for the price, have been the Kef Q15.2 . I have
used these in small and large rooms, and they are excellent.
I do have a pair that I was thinking about listing(just
got some Magnepans) for sale...but if I do or don't isn't
the should give these a listen if you can.
The Aegis One is very good for nearfield listening. I have considered it for my home office as well. However, if you plan to set up these speakers at any realistic distance away from the listener (say 5 feet or more), I don't think these are the best choice. Of the ones you've mentioned I've listened to the Tannoys and the B&Ws. I have listened to other speakers by PSB, and have to say I don't care for them very much (obviously when talking about speakers it's very much personal preference). I would favor the B&Ws overall.
I've been using a pair of Krix Equinox's in my office for about 8 months, and I think they are a great little speaker.
For my taste nothing beats the old LS3 5A, made by a number of British Companies. Try to pick up a pair used......Sweetest sound on earth!
I own a pair of Phase Tech PC-40 bookshelf speakers wired into my upstairs that I continue to be impressed by. More than a couple of times, friends have asked to pull the grills off the speakers just to take a look at such a small speaker making such big sound. This is the only Phase Tech speaker I have direct experience with, but I know the company has a 'bang for the buck' reputation and may be worth taking a look at.