Avantgarde UNO's 2.2 advice needed


I wanted advice from avantgarde users regarding the UNO’s 2.2.

I recently auditioned them and was astounded by the clarity, resolution and the low level detail of these speaker’s they were miles better then my Dynaudio 1.3SE(which I think are bloody bland when compared to the UNO’s) the UNO’s to me threw a massive soundstage with pin-point imaging, the presentation was in your face right there, not the laid back sound I’m used to but in no way fatiguing, these were one of the most involving speakers I have heard.

I heard the UNO’s with the Nagra’s and the Jadis amps and metronome front-end, with the nagras the high’s were cold close to harsh but the mid-range was something I had never experienced before. With the Jadis the sound was more balanced the highs were sweet but at the expense of the mid-range(not bad sounding at all but not the same as the nagras).

Now I have been offered a fantastic deal on these speakers which has got me thinking if I should take the plunge and buy them, but there are a few things that are holding me back;
My room size is 12*24 and my listing position is about 7 1/5ft from the speakers and the speaker’s are placed 6ft apart with a RPTV in between(soon would be getting rid of it thou). To me I think this would be rather too close to listen to the UNO’s correct me if I’m wrong.

I’m planning on using a 300B amp to power them with my Audio Aero Prima DAC MKII running direct into the amp, would this setup sound good in my room? Or I’m better of waiting and buying something else.

I have been offered this at almost half the retail.(Demo)

Although the speaker placement you are constrained by is not great, you will probably still be able to make them sing. In my setup (Duos 2.2 in a room 35x20 with Verdier tube preamp and Quad IIs with Platine Verdier TT), I don't really worry about a sweet spot. I now just walk around my room and the space is filled with real music. If you don't need to sit 7 and 1/2 feet from the speakers, don't bother. Just sit elsewhere or wander around. You'll be very surprised. My Duos sound almost holographic with realistic imaging (ie believeable broad images, not pinpoint ones).

Thanks for your replies, I guess it would be really difficult for me to make the UNO’s perform at its fullest in my room, but still I keep thinking about them all the time I have never something like this before it was crystal clear; a fantastic experience.

After listening to the UNO’s I have researched a lot on tube friendly speakers, I *assume* high efficiency speakers which don’t drop below 6.5OHM’s should sound fantastic and should give me the nth degree of inner-detail and resolution without the harshness when paired with a quality low-powered tube amp, also I guess I want to have nearfield speakers as I’m listing to them from on 7 1/5ft.

Could you recommend speakers that meet the above description also please take into account that it should sound good in a nearfield setup.

Hello Satyam,

You might consider the Classic Audio Reproductions T-5. Fairly high efficiency, high impedance (16 ohms nominal as I recall), and very high quality components in an attractive wooden enclosure. Stunningly lively and dynamic. I can't swear that the T-5 is a great nearfield loudspeaker as I haven't made a point of listening to 'em at close range, but the drivers have wider dispersion than the Avantgardes' do and thus are probably more likely to integrate well up close. Very nice synergy with OTL amps due to the high impedance.

For more information, go to:


You might want to give designer John Wolff a call to ask him about your intended application. John is a straight-shooter, not a salesman.

I don't sell Classic Audio Reproductions speakers, but I do admire 'em a lot. Not much information on the T-5 on the 'net; I'd suggest you consider making the pilgrimmage to Brighton, Michigan to audition 'em for yourself if your preliminary investigation gives 'em a thumbs-up.
