The "right" speaker

Here is my listening room:

21' long X 14'wide with 15' cathedral ceilings. This is split into two rooms a 8' long by 14' wide kitchen (behind the listening area)and a family room of 13' long by 14' wide where my system resides. I have treated the wall behind the speakers and the short wall birectly behind where I sit. The room is now devoid of slap echo and is tuned properly. I sit six to seven feet from the speaker.

I am looking to find a nearfield speaker that will work well in this room for 2 to 4 K used. Here is what I have listened to so far:

Sonus Faber Concertos
Wilson Cubs
Triangle Zayas(very nice)

I welcome any and all recommendations.
ok, now ya got choices fer the right speaker, how 'bout the left one? ;~)

doug s.

I was waiting for that Doug. But he hasn't given us enough info. Depends on the attitude of his head in its listening position, left side furnishings versus right side, and, of course, whether his components are on the left or right.
You guys are a hoot:) Thanks for all the great information. I have contacted Harbeth and hopefully will find a way to listen to them. I will have a chance to listen to Audio Physic,JM Lab and Sehring this weekend. What a life!!!
jm lab make some nice speakers, but there seems to be a love-hate feeling about their inwerted-dome metal tweets. personally, i enjoy mine in my meret re monitors...

enjoy the hunt! :>)

doug s.

ps - i really tink it wood be worthwhile to also check out the diapason adamantes...