Opinion needed-Coincident Super Eclipse

Any opinion is welcome regarding these speakers. I am interested in buying them, per your feed backs. Or suggest other brand, thanks.
look up member 'brulee' here on Audiogon- he had them, and liked them a lot (I am pursuing them as well), and, he's a great guy to talk to. Good luck!
I had them for a while and didn't like them. They are very dynamic but exaggerated in the highs and I felt that instruments were misplaced while listening to classical music. They also sounded veiled. The finishing on the cabinets is very poor and cloudy on the dark color and is brittle.It chips easily.
Check out these speakers. They look exactly like the Coicident super eclipse speakers. When your on the site, just scroll to the bottom of the page. http://shows.soundstagelive.com/shows/avtour2001/frk_dly_june16.shtml
Sutts, Khaki8's opinion's are interesting, are they not? Just as you asked me about Coincident being thin in the mids/highs, here comes someone who feels as if they are exaggerated in the highs. I think the conclusion should be that everyone's tastes/opinions are different. And, also that synergy is the key. The sound is dependent not only on that component in particular, but what is upstream and downstream of it. I can comment on the Total Eclipse, which I feel to be a strong candidate in the high end speaker arena. Dynamic, fast, and lively. Mates well with tube electronics and Coincident's own cabling. If you are looking for a speaker that overpowers a room, these do not fit the bill. But, to me that is a blessing. Kevin3xz, please audition ANY speaker you buy extensively before purchase. It is far too critical a purchase to leave to the opinions of another person.
Kevin3xz, Trelja as usual, has given you great advise. IMO the original SE sounded a bit soft in the highs especially compared to the TE. I have not heard the new SE with it's new tweeter and wiring so I can't comment. I do not agree with Khaki8's veiled description but I do agree with him on the finish. Mine are also chiped on the edges and I do not like the finish. The natural finish looks much better. I can get the TE to sound bright, dull, rich and warm, thin, lean and mean. In other words it responds to what you put in it and how much work you are willing to put into room placement just like any good speaker. If you follow Trelja's advise you can't go wrong. Good hunting.