I am nuts to use these speakers?

I fell into the world of "high end" audio by accident. I've always had mediocre Japanese gear with the exception of a Thorens 125 turntable and Altec Lansing speakers. Then I bought a used ARC Ref1 and an ARC Phono 2, tweaked the 25 year old Thorens with a new Goldring cartridge and it changed everything. I also picked up a used ARC CD1 but vinyl sounded so good that I went off the deep end and bought a VPI TNT 3.5 and replaced the Phono 2 with a ARC Ref Phone Preamp. My power amp is an ARC D130. I am using a pair of JBL 4311 studio monitors for speakers and assorted Cardas Hexlink for cables. I think the system sounds great. The JBL's are sitting on some lead shot filled target stands which also have spikes. My room has a concrete floor and I have separate power outlets run from the fuse box for all the gear. Anyhow I think that the speakers which I paid 300 bucks for from a radio station could probably use an upgrade considering the rest of the system. BUT I think they sound great. Basically if the vinyl is great it sounds great, if it is lousy vinyl the speakers seem unforgiving. ANY SUGGESTIONS on where to start looking? There seem to be a million speaker lines out there so any advice is appreciated.
Ntscdan don't you see what everyone is doing? Didn't you say that everything sounds great? Why do you want to go and rock the boat now? Sure those old JBL's may not be as transparent but if you are happy leave it alone until you become wanting for something more. When that time arrives, then start looking. Enjoyment from recorded music comes from your satisfaction not what other more experienced opinions have of your gear. When that enjoyment turns to a distraction of something missing from that enjoyment then it is time to look. Just one man's .02 cents but when I see so many trade perfectly good gear for something "different" or "better" in the quest to realize something that only exists in the concert hall maybe I'm just acknowledging something that many of us won't admit to.
Since you have ARC gear visit an ARC dealer and listen to their systems,ask questions, and make up your own mind.
I think onhwy61's suggestions comes closest to what appears to be your needs/tastes: high sensitivity studio monitor. There is a significant subculture among audio enthusiasts who find you can't do better for the dollar than professional studio monitors and the 4311s are classic examples of that. But with newer designs you could do even better. But I would add: don't forget Tannoys, and I don't mean vintage Tannoys (though they're great), but the modern DMT studio or comparable consumer series. Altec invented the coaxial driver, but Tannoy perfected it. . .happy listening. dr.joe
i go with tubegroover. if you are nuts about those speakers keep them. i have recently been in an upgrade fury and have improved my sound....but i have been doing more buying and selling than listening. now i am doing more listening...plus i am broke. i am a merlin fan for speakers though!

good luck
I second Tubegroover here as well. Sometimes, you just hit on a perfect synergy that you won't easily better. You seem to really like what you now have. Newer isn't always necessarily better. However, if you're unsure, see if a local dealer might let you audition a pair of newer speakers to see where you really stand.