chazzbo, re: outboard x-overs, if yure a diy'er, czech out john pomann's active x-over kit site: i unnerstand this is a wery hi-quality kit, awailable for *cheap*.
the x-over i use, the marchand xm-9 deluxe, is wery flexible, & supposedly better than the wery good bryston b10. also less than half the price; also awailable in kit form, so ewe can save even more.
re: walue, i *am* a cheapskate - my rig's retail cost is ~$35k; i paid ~12k. the vmps larger subwoofers, the marchand x-over, & one of the adcom gfa-555's were purchased brand-gnu, & the whole set-up was still under $2400...
regards, doug s.