Velodyne or REL or Vandersteen?

Have a FSR-15 which is bigger but specs out at same a HGS-15.Would I like the REL Stadium (?-less than $2K) or would a Vandersteen 3A do me right at less ching?
I'm trying to decide between the Sunfire True Sub Mk. 2 and the REL q100 (or q150). Does anyone have any input on either?
save your money & check out vmps subs - easily the best-quality low-frequency reproduction at anywhere near the price. no amplification included, & the option to provide your own x-over make for superior electronics as well. even when factoring amplification & x-over costs into the equation, it's still a bargain compared to the powered subs. check out the output, distortion, & frequency specs on these - the best in the industry. many mfr's don't even give all this info. i know ya don't listen to specs, but in this case, they tell the story - vmps subs are *accurate*.

doug s., no affiliation w/vmps, other than being a satisfied customer.

ps - my system is music-only, i don't watch movies...

Once again you guys have some good tips.Sedonds last word so far is really very interesting.I am getting to hate Sensible Sound because they go the same manufacturers over and over.But they did and interesting article on VMPS.We all know that their are few good VALUE products in our little hobby (err way of life.I wonder who would make a good outboard X-over with simmilar bang for the buck.Review mentioned Paradigm for $160.Anybody know of more?
chazzbo, re: outboard x-overs, if yure a diy'er, czech out john pomann's active x-over kit site: i unnerstand this is a wery hi-quality kit, awailable for *cheap*.

the x-over i use, the marchand xm-9 deluxe, is wery flexible, & supposedly better than the wery good bryston b10. also less than half the price; also awailable in kit form, so ewe can save even more.

re: walue, i *am* a cheapskate - my rig's retail cost is ~$35k; i paid ~12k. the vmps larger subwoofers, the marchand x-over, & one of the adcom gfa-555's were purchased brand-gnu, & the whole set-up was still under $2400...

regards, doug s.