Where have all the protest songs gone?

In light of all the problems the world faces today it occured to me that no one in the folk scene or heaven forbid the rock world are writing songs about war,famine,and you can fill in whatever ills you please into the garbage heap.Has the music arts become so safe and sterile and corporate that no one can hear their still small voice and raise it?
Thanks for your comments Twl and I agree with what you say about the next fraud of a necessary war(I assume thats what you infer)in the middle east and now Korea.
TWL and others:

I direct your attention to the Sunday New York Times for 1/12/03. The Week In Review Section. Inside is a cartoon entitled "This Modern World"

I won't say any more other than it puts everything into perpective, is funny as hell, and is right on. Well worth pursuing. IMHO
are you a regular, or, do you troll web sites frequented by the greedy, rich, conspicuous consumers you must think high end money wasters are? I assume you are here because you are like most here: into audio. If this is not the case, please peddle the self-righteous pablum in a more appropriate location, spend less time on the Internet, spend more time acting on your convictions where it matters: out in the street. Do something about the problems you see, but don't accuse everyone else. If your posts were tongue-in-cheek, please accept my aplogy.
Who cares - except guilt-tripping liberals and tie-dyed people who haven't forgotten the 1960s? I'm not going to waste a cent on some songwriter's lame attempt at social protest.
If I buy music, I'll buy it because I enjoy the songs - not the "social commentary". If I want commentary, there is plenty of that on talk radio and TV.
Avideo if you think that what you hear on radio and t.v. is meaningful commentary I have two large towers in lower manhattan I'd love to sell you.