Suggestions for a monitor speaker

I need a monitor speaker for a small room, low to medium loudness levels, with high quality associated components. (Magnum Dynalab 208, Proceed CDD transport,Musical Fidelity AC 24 upsampling DAC, Nordost interconnect/speaker cable)Cost really isn't a major concern.
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I like the the ProAc ISc at under $2K, and the PSB Stratus Mini at about $1K-- both are mellow and easy to listen to for long sessions. Good Luck. Craig
Don't make a buying decision without considering the Sequerra Monitors. Check them out here:
Not "exciting" at first listen, but you learn to love their overall tonal accuracy. And, they have "real" bass - acoustic suspension - so they are much more room positioning friendly. They do vocals really well, especially female vocal and piano - the two toughest things for a small speaker to do without getting harsh & grainy.

Just my .02,
If cost is not an issue, the best "moniter", and one of the best speakers I've heard period, is the Kharma Reference Monitor 3.2.