SonusFaber GP? Other recomendations?

I'm looking for a sweet, detailed, very refined, unfatiguing
speaker to play music like Don Henly and Journy. I'm looking
for some advice before I go for the Grand Pianos.. Another
peev, I *HATE* boomy bass and the boxy sound.

I have brought my equiptment into stores so
I could here all the speakers with my equiptment
and here's what I heard so far.. (I have a Sony XA7,
Classe CP30 and Classe CA100)

Martin Logan Aerius i TOO BRITE !!!
Viena Accoustic Beethoven Boxy sounding
B&W N804 Great stage but cold & mechanical
Revel (the model at 2k) Tiny in the highs
SonusFaber GP Seemed like the best sound so far

Please don't flame away at the above comments, they are
just what *I* heard on my Classe'.


I looked for a dealer of ProAc in the Seattle area
but I had no luck so far. I will definately try to
hear the 2.5s before I get the GPs. I must say that
cymbles on the GPs sound so rich and sweet. That's
what really grabs me is the sweetness of the GP sound.

I do sense that I wish the GPs had more omph in the
dynamics and breathed a bit more in the soundstage
department. I heard Lionel Richie in an outdoor
performance in Dallas over the weekend and there is
just something special about "live" dynamics
that I miss when I listen to audio components.
Nezwek, don't kill yourself trying to find ProAcs if it's that difficult. :•) It just happens that my personal preference is ProAc Tablette 50 Signatures over the Sonus Faber Concertinos. You might not feel the same way. But, maybe I can help a little more.

You mention that you enjoy cymbals on the SFs. The first thing I noticed when hooking up the Tab 50s after owning the Concertinos for a year and a half was that the cymbals sounded more pronounced and a bit drier. The Sonus Fabers while not as defined, sound smoother when reproducing this instrument.

That was two months ago, but now I definitely prefer the ProAcs overall because of their lifelike presentation. It may be that I just got used to them, I'm not sure. Since first getting the ProAcs I've made many more upgrades and tweaks, so that may have contributed to my change in opinion too.

So to answer your last post, if you enjoy a sweeter sound, I think the Sonus Fabers will please you more. However, I feel the ProAcs definitely create a larger and more accurate soundstage, and a better sense of air.
Also, I should mention. My comparison only involves the two mini monitors I own. You're comparing floor standers, and that may be a whole different ballgame. Good luck!
Tom: It would surprise me if there were no dealers at all for ProAc in an area the size of Seattle. Audiogon has contact info for just about every manufacturer off of their home page and they do have a listing for the ProAc distributor. You might want to give them a ring and find out who handles them in your area.

One of things I enjoy about the 2.5's is precisely what you're asking for -- sweetness in the mids and highs, and a huge soundstage. Also, they have a wonderful bottom end, which is pretty stunning considering the size of the drivers, and isn't matched at all by the GP's. As I mentioned before, I think very highly of the GP's, and Sonus Faber in general, but I found the ProAc sound much more to my liking.

Either way, they're both very good speakers so its hard to imagine you not ending up happy whichever way you go.

Happy hunting...
I like sf speakers, but they tend to need a lot of power. Heard the GP with copland tube and the sf musica amp. pretty shut in sound, i thought. They like to be played fairly loud. If you've got a lot of amp power think about the electa amator 2. Fabulous. Personally I prefer the dynamics and microdynamics of high efficiency speakers. Find they can make for a much 'lighter' more listenable sound, with good reproduction of transients and harmonics. I ended up with the kef reference 3.2 which im delighted with.