Anti-Vibration pads: which component most?

On which component will anti-vibration pads have the greatest impact? System is Apple TV into Arcam Dac via optical, then to preamp, then amp, then speakers. I want to try anti-vibration pads on ONE of these elements to see if I hear an improvement. Where in the signal chain will they have the most impact? I'm thinking either the DAC or speakers. Thanks.
The moment I put them under my pre amp Jolida 5t, I noticed an immediate improvement.
Agree with Tom6897, source first. Try Black Raviolis, they worked best for me after having tried lots of others
And: What pads are the best? Are some pads better than others? Do some components respond to pads better than others? Do some pads work better on different shelf materials? All these questions are the same. There just ain't no way in HAYell of knowing the answer until you try it for yourself and see. Not trying to discourage you - on the contrary, feel free to jump right in. BTW, welcome to the Kingdom of Tweak!!

Regards. John
This type of pad is offered by various retailers and the price varies quite a bit. I believe they get them from this manufacturer:

For the price, you can't go wrong when experimenting.

All the best,
I forgot to add that all I use are Herbie's Tenderfeet under everything and they work quite well.

All the best,