Subwoofer Help...

I have a problem with bass and am looking for advice... I have a pair of B&W Silver Signature 30s in an audio only system. I listen primarily to classical music and am looking to integrate faithful deep bass reproduction with the Sig 30s. I am toying with the idea of purchasing a pair of subwoofers and was looking for any advice from people who have high resolution monitors and have done the same. My greatest concern is integration with the Sig 30s... various thoughts include a pair of the new smaller Revel subs, a pair of 12" Velodynes, or possibly a Wilson Pow Whow. Suggestions and/or experiences are welcome...
cornfedboy, i usually agree w/yer comments, but not this time - as the best, most expensive full-range speeks usually come *standard* as monitor/sub set-ups, i don't tink yer argument holds much water here. i tink coherency of sound is *much* easier w/the low frequencies separated from the monitors - ewe can set up the monitors for optimal image/soundstage, & the subs for optimal bass response. when they're in the same box, one is usually compromised.

slartibartfast, i tink yure on the rite track, especially if ya like the sound of yer b&w's. definitely get two subs. personally, i like the vmps larger subs, & the marchand xm-9 deluxe crossover. great flexibility, great transparency, unbeatable true bass response - accurate, deep, tight. paired w/any decent used solid-state amplification, ewe could spend over twice as much money, & not get as good a bass-response, as well integrated w/yer monitors....

my opinion of course... ;~) doug s.

Sedond, I have heard about the VMP subs, but don't know anything about them. Are they a passive sub you matched to the Marchand crossover? Do you think a relatively inexpensive amp like the NAD 218 [250wpc] would do a decent job running a pair of VMPs?
hi gunbei, yes, the vmps subs are not amplified - czech out vmps' www for info about their subs. i know ya don't listen to specs, but it's a good place to start for subwoofers, & the vmps larger sub has about the lowest distortion/highest spl of any sub in the industry. also goes down to 17hz. for smaller rooms, the original subwoofer (or even the smaller subwoofer) wood be plenty, especially if ya get a pair.

re: amplification, i am more than happy w/a pair of original (rackmount faceplate, usa-made) adcom gfa555's driving my subs. i was running 'em bridged, but w/all the recent talk on this site about bridging an amp effectively making the load it sees halve, i recently switched 'em back to stereo, & yust use one channel of each amp for the subs. as my older-model upright-style larger subs are rated @95db/1w/1m, the 325w at 4 ohms put out by one channel of the 555 is plenty. and, sure enuff, the control of the amp over the speek is yust that much better in stereo-mode. as the latest models of vmps subs are ~92-93db/1w/1m into 4 ohms, (not sure exactly), i'm sure your nad amp wood be more than up to the task of driving any vmps subs.

hope this helps, doug *woodn't trade my sub set-up for *any* pair of rels or velodynes* sedon

ps - mebbe i'd spring for a pair of the largest genesis subwoofer towers, if i had the $$$... ;~)

As a follow up to my post earlier, I stated that I was going to purchase the Revel 15B. My dealer finally got the Wilson Watch Dog in. I compared the Watch Dog against the Revel 15B and the Revel holds it own, but I have decided to go with the Wilson Watch Dog, I think it will be a more seamless fit with my Wilson Cubs II.