Tube Friendly Speakers

I need a pair of speakers that my 25w per channel monos can handle, one of my audio pet peeves is an underpowered speaker, so I need something that 25 watts can really move, I am trying to keep it under $2000 new, I've thought about trying the Triangle Antal xs but I have no where to audition them, any other recommendations
Find a used pair of B&W P Series. P4, P5, or P6. P5 probably the best. I know of people using them with great results with the Decware Zen(??) amp that is less than 10 watts I believe.
I bought my Triangle Titus xs from Alan at Audiowaves, He has a generous return policy, he discounts Triangle(his catalog says $1595 for the Antal) and he provides free shipping and great service from a brick and mortar store. The Triangles are a bargain in hi-end speakers and work great with tubes according to everything I've ever read or heard on the subject. Give Alan a call. BTW, he also carries Soliloquy, and tube gear. He should be able to give you a good opinion of the pairings.

my current room is somewhat large (20'Wx30'l) and my amps are quicksilver monos, I realize I'm not going to be able to fill the room with this much power but I'm sure one day my equipment will be in a fairly small room again as it always has been, my musical preferences center around acoustic, folk, rock and jazz, thanks for the suggestions