Sound Lab Millennium 1 spl ability?

Hello I don't have a local dealer so can someone answer my question please? Is the Sound Lab Millennium 1 able to play Pink Floyd at 105 decibles C weighted spl in a 20x23 room if driven with 450 signature vtl amplifiers? I previously used Dunlavy 5 speakers and the quality and quantity of the bass was addictive I don't want to lose any bass, I'm used to feeling the air movement the 5 provides in the bass the punch the quickness the definition they have.

Gotta agree w/ Planar here! There are 2 dealers before you who answered the thread & have written a disclaimer saying clearly that they deal w/ certain products. YOU DID NOT DO THAT!

We all know that you own & run Gilmore Audio, which sells Atma-sphere, Gilmore speakers & a few other brands. We rely on the INTEGRITY of the dealers to confess that they are dealers & to state which products they deal in (not the whole list but only those pertinent to the thread in which they are posting their answer). YOU DID NOT DO THAT! This is very sneaky of you & it does not give us, the user base, an idea that your views could be prejudiced.

I/We strongly urge you to go thru just a bit of xtra effort & type a disclaimer with your replies. Your knowledge is welcome by all of us under those conditions. If you cannot comply, leave!
BTW, I can also attest to Albert's example of "perceived" vs "real" SPL levels. I have lived with stats for a long time, and am used to this phenomenon.

OTOH, the fact that one can happily raise the volume and a Soundlab doesn't shout, does NOT mean that our ears are not being bombarded by harmfull spl levels... AND cranking up the volume high may rob the amp of its dynamic headroom & send it clipping (which doesn't sound good, not even on Soundlabs).
I mean, if you are at 100dba on an average passage, sitting 12ft away from the speakers, you need an extra 100x power just to get +20db of dynamic range... that's a lot of power!

On the amp subject: contrary to selleretc's contention, I have enjoyed A1's happily driven by an ss amp, too.
most people i know (inc myself) use SLs w/ SS amps.

sellerwithintegrity: you've pulled this nonsense before w/ the gilmore speaker intro thread here, and you're doing it again. my guess is with a reputation like you're gaining, you'll (justly) need to find another line of work.

As bad as I want electrostatics to rock I think the best advice given so far is from Nadimgargour. He listens to the same type music and used the right amps. I love the feel and sound but the slam is never going to be there. For moderate levels and jazz for me es are a dream, but I like to rock out some times and dont want to spend all that money and be dissapointed.

What I suggest is looking for some used avantgarde trios. With a large room they should be close to the electrostatic feel with alot of slam.

When I finally get time I think I will sell all my toys and get a pair. Then what will I do?

Mr. Bombaywalla, Mr. Planar, Rhyno,

From my perspective, you guys are the ones who are out of line. You use this forum all the time -- and thus are knowledgeable and sophisticated users. You certainly represent yourself as such. All you need to do is click on the "answers" button at the bottom of my response and you can see the entire history of my responses. The very first one clearly describes who I am. "Hi, I run Glacier Audio". So from my perspecitve this has been delcared right off the bat. Obviously you guys knew who I was -- especially MR. Planar who I believe has been less than forthcoming in terms of who he is and his real agenda. My affiliations have been explicit from the start and thus my preferences. SO if you think that there is some hidden agenda evidenced by the fact that i am not declaring this each and every time I make a post, then I disagree. But I am happy to declare who I am each time, if people feel that is what is preferred. I suggest that each of you do the same. I also suggest that you deal with the issues raised rather than invective.

Everything I said is totally accurate in my opinion, can be proven empirically and comes from extensive experience with all the products I discussed. I think that it also goes to the heart of Mr. Mejames' concerns. I think that Mr. Planar's rebuttal which questions my right to address the issue a I see fit and also denegrates the significance of impedance and amplification and the inherent limitations of electrostats is bizarre. Rather than being "nonesense" it goes to the core of the issue, whether you gentlemen understand that or not. Mr. Mejames, please feel free to call me at our toll free number if you would like to discuss your concerns in more detail: 888-291-8501 and ask for me -- Harry Blazer. You can also get additional info at our webstie: Or you are welcome to come to Montana where you can see all the lines we represent in action: Soundlab, Gilmore Audio, Atma-Sphere, Triplanar, SOTA, Silver Audio, Bright Star, Sound Anchor, van den Hul, MSB Technology -- all of our "Best of Class" products.