Interesting reading for ESL owners

I stumbled across some interesting reading on Innersound's website regarding speaker cable considerations when driving ESL's. You may also be interested in hearing what they have to say about interconnects in general. Many of you may have already read it. If not, its very informative, and is found under accessories/cables/white paper.
Ultimately, the proof is in the product and the Innersound speaker is an excellent product. The fact that their thoughts on cabling may be outside of the standard audiophile orthodoxy does not detract from the magnitude of their success in speaker production. As with nearly all manufacturers of high quality audio equipment, they have well defined recommendations on how to maximize the performance of their products. As audiophiles we are under no obligation to follow the manufacturers guidelines.

If you get a chance, I strongly recommend you give the Innersound ESL a listen.
I write/talk with Roger fairly often, we own a pair of EROS and a pair of ISIS and have a new center channel for the HT on the way.
He is a speaker genius, in my opinion and I have learned a lot about the design of his speakers, especially about transmission lines.
I found out in one of the first conversations with him, that he is of the EE "camp" that cables are cables.
I personally don't hold that belief, but I know him to be really serious about great sound.
So....I am a little dumbfounded by it. I am tempted to buy a set of cables for our surround speakers in the HT and compare them to the Goertz MI2's we are using now and really like.
...and hey, Albert, I seem to remember from an older post that your system is worth more than California's energy debt!
I would hope that you could tell significant differences by say....even dusting! :-)
who loves ya?