Speakers for small room,near field

I need some wisdom and advice from you fellow Audiogoners. I've been shopping for some replacement speakers. They are for a pure stereo system (no multi channel stuff here!). The room is approximately 12'x 30', with normal ceiling. My system consists of a McIntosh 6450 integrated amp (100 watts X 2), McIntosh 7008 CD changer, Audio Note DAC-1, with Boston Acoustic A-150 speakers (circa 1981). I listen to mostly jazz, acoustic and classical. However, I've broken out the old Led Zep from time to time! Even though the room is quite long, my listening position is limited to within about 6-8 feet due to seating constraints. My budget is around $2000 - $2500 (maybe a little more) new or used. I've been reading reviews trying to figure out what would be good in my particular system until I can't see straight!! So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance-

I had a pair of Proac 1.5's in a 10x10 room.
Fantastic imaging, in nearfield listening. Also, a
very smoothe natural sound.New they are $3000, used around
Good Luck
Hey Stereomaniac,

You mention your listening distance, but it also matters along which wall the speakers are placed and how far from the wall they can be placed. Your listening distance is definitely near field, so large woofers (over 6 1/2")generally won't work. Rear firing ports or tweeters may be a problem if placed too close to rear wall. Room damping/liveliness are also signifcant variables.

Where do you live? If you are anywhere near Milwaukee, I can let you try out a pair of ProAc Response 1.5 (gorgeous, and for sale on audiogon), or a pair of Red Rose R3, but I'm not letting go of those (at least not at this time). Both are winners in most smaller spaces: they are versatile with ability to play delicately or to really rock.
I own ProAc Tablette 50 Signatures and Sonus Faber Concertinos, and use them in a 12 x 16 room. While far under the budget you have set, they both perform very well. I use them with a subwoofer.

For your budget, you may also want to consider Merlin TSMs or VSMs. Used, they are in the $1100 to $2500 range.

Good luck and happy listening!