Speaker Mods

Several years ago as a young struggling audiophile I bought a pair of Warfdale Diamonds. I was sceptical when I set them up, but I thought I'd give them a chance. I put an album on and listened. After only a few minutes I was ready to cry. I sold an okay pair of speakers to buy these and they sounded awful. I let them run for a while and since there was no noticeable improvement I realized I had to do something. I don't remember what the cable was anymore (this was about ten years ago) but I opened the cabinet and replaced all the wiring with either audioquest or monster cable???
When I put the speakers back on their stands the difference was unmistakeable. I did a "blindfold" trick with a friend who was also into listening. I played some familiar music for him while he couldn't see them. When he removed the blindfold he was floored that these little speakers sounded so good.
I have since moved on to bigger and better speakers and have thought about doing something with the cable but I'm worried about doing the wrong thing. When the speakers were cheap it wasn't intimidating, now it is.
Does anybody have any ideas about safe mods I could try on my Sony SS M7es speakers. They sound good now but I think they could be better.
Thanks for any insight you can offer.
Do you have any recommendations for sourceing the needed supplies for rewiring and getting binding posts?
Get your self a couple of sheets(24" x 27") of Black Hole 5.

Remove the drivers and and loose damping material and try
and cover the inside walls of the cabinet. It's easy,just cut, peal and stick(it has pressure sensstive adhesive).

Stay at least two inches from the rear of the drivers.
It will greatly improve inner detail in the lower midrange & bass.

Also, don't waste time with the Bybee filters, get the Bybee
purifiers($40-$50.@) and connect them in line with the postive leads of each driver.

I recently did these mods to my seven year old pre-Talon Khorus speakers and was blown away with the improvements.

Total cost $225.00 and two hours of my time.
Kana, where did you buy the Bybee's? I would like to try them on my Dunlavys, but can't find them for less than $80 each.