Best Isolation Device for Speakers?

Has anyone had a chance to directly compare different speaker isolation tweaks? I am wondering because of the recent thread on the Sistrum stand. I know that many of these things have been discussed in other posts, but there is not alot of direct comparison among them. I suspect that most of these are excellent, so if anyone has some information on their specific sonic impact, that would be helpful. I have a pair of Thiel 7.2s. Some of the ones I am considering:

Aurios Pro
Sistrum Speaker Stand
Mana Speaker Stand

Be real clear about the Sistrum products/Audiopoints and their team. They are in the business of resonance transference. That's coupling not isolating/decoupling. Now that you know that: couple. Go on their website to read all about coupling, the benefits, and the contrasts to decoupling/isolating. You'll never go back to those "isolating" thoughts. Do your homework and let us know where you go. peace, warren
I am using Audio Resolution platforms under my VMPS speakers. They are similar to Symposium. They actually drain vibrations away from the cabinet, from the floor, AND from the cabinet itself.

I noticed a BIG difference in bass up to the lower mids when I put them in.

I've also heard them used very well in better-braced cabinets, like Totems and JM Lab's.


BTW, VERY good advice in general, Warrenh; always good to know about the different functions devices perform. I'd suggest reading the site he mentions, as well as the Symposium and Audio Resolution sites.
Thanks for the responses. I am wondering if anyone can speak of A/B direct comparisons for these products. Speakers are an interesting problem, perhaps because they are designed to resonate. I would think that isolating them on ball bearings would degrade the sound, being that they are more free to move in the horizontal plane. I know that testimonial and others experience would suggest this not to be the case.

There are alot of very long threads on the isolation vs. coupling theory. I thought this thread would be useful because it pertains specifically to speakers. I don't have the time or money to try all the different approaches. I know that some have put alot of thought and time into this stuff, and I wanted to learn from their direct experiences.

More specifically, I am wondering if anyone has experience with the Mana speaker stands. I am going with Mana for the rest of my equipment.

I went throught the same ''search'' about a year ago.....I own a pair of Avalon Eclipe's and as a result of new Berber carpeting in my listening room, the spikes that were supplied by Avalon just didn't raise the speakers up off of the floor enough. Which can be a problem, it is my understanding that some of ''these'' floor standing speakers SHOULD NOT be raised up that high because of their design and the listening height. Comments on that would be apreciated, because I have heard that putting a slab of Polycrystal under them helps greatly .....Anyway, I believe that ''decoupling'' is the answer and I went with the 2'' Audipoints and they did improve the sound and seem to be the right height