Sean had great ideas. The Spicas are very good and you can easily and cheaply modify the crossover with polys/mylars and improve the imaging and detail tremendously. You can also stuff them with strip caulking to reduce cabinet resonance for about $12.
The BBC near field monitors are tremendous for this application. I just listened to the ATC speaker for $1100/pr. new and it was very fine. Purchase very good stands such as the Sound Organization and fill them with shot/sand to tighten up everything. Use the sticky blue stuff from Office Depot to tack them down and you are off.
Good luck.
The BBC near field monitors are tremendous for this application. I just listened to the ATC speaker for $1100/pr. new and it was very fine. Purchase very good stands such as the Sound Organization and fill them with shot/sand to tighten up everything. Use the sticky blue stuff from Office Depot to tack them down and you are off.
Good luck.