What music is best for an Audiophile Society Meeting?

We are auditioning the Piega P10 loudspeakers and a great system including Audio Tekne and Audiomeca at the NY Audiophile Society Meeting on Oct 26th. We have been asked to bring a selection of music with us. What, in the opinions of those who have been to such meetings, would be the best type of music to bring along? A wide selection, a particular outstanding song or CD, or maybe a certain style of music that suits the atmosphere ~ what do you think?
When we had a NYAS member visit our meeting with the NJ Audio Society he remarked on how much more classical music we played at our meetings than they did. I'd suggest you bring really what you think sounds best on the speakers and maybe some of the audiophile standards noted above. The Reference Recordings series with the Minnesota Orchestra has many good, shorter pieces (Bernstein's Candide Overture, The Sorcerer's Apprentice on Mephisto & Co., the Kabelevski on Bolero); Delos has a number of excellent discs, including the Dvorak Requiem disc and the Mahler 2, and Harmonia Mundi has plenty of great recordings (try Arias for Cuzzoni with Lisa Safer and the Philharmonia Baroque). All of these will sound great on a good system such as the one you'll be showing. Let me know if you'd like to do a similar demo for us over here in New Jersey some time, we're always looking for interesting programs.
Well slight change in plans ~ there is a new dealer signing on near NY that will be attending the demo ~ but thanks for your suggestions and we'll pass them along. This has been very helpful and gives us a good idea of what to have on hand in the showrooms as well! Thanks again!