Why do only US makers focus on time coherency?

Just curious...it seems that the handful of truly time and phasecorrect speaker makers...Vandersteen,Thiel,Meadowlark,Green Mtn,Thiel,etc,,,are all US based companies...why is this? Are there any Euro/Brit speakers that come to mind? (Besides Quad stats?)
Can someone give me an example of a speaker that images as well as or better than the spicas that is not coherent (spica's aren't coherent, but do a reasonable approximation).

Perhaps I'm completely wrong for associating imaging with phase and time coherency ? After all in the studio mixing and mastering I can't believe that all the "aural exciters", compressors, limiters etc etc are time coherent ... so the CD / LP already has phase and time errors at the source ?

I've heard it said that a narrow baffle reduces diffration and improves imaging, but the baffles on the spicas are nearly 2 feet wide around the tweeter !!

I've heard it claimed that concentric woof/tweet improves imaging, but my spicas image much much better than some kef 103/4 reference speakers that use the concentric design.

I've heard it said that small stand-mounters image better than large speakers, but the spicas just killed a borrowed pair of Spendor s3/5s in the imaging department (well in just about every department).

So what exactly does determine if the imaging thing happens ?

(My europas arrive on Friday .. I will post a review comparing them to the spicas in a month or so. I don't change equipment often, nor do I frequent shops or shows, so I can't compare more widely ... but the spica angelus sets a high benchmark for realistic live music reproduction above 100Hz.)

Oh, and I wasn't bashing B&W .. horses for courses ... I've never heard a better rendition of AC/DCs "Bullet to bite on" than through DM603s ... very grin inducing !
Dawgbyte: What thread appr 1 week ago was discussing the Walsh driver? I somehow missed that one. Sean
Sean99 good question...although the SPicas' front baffle is quite wide...it is covered in felt which greatly reduces "smearing" (which you already know)...and does come into play...along with the SPicas unique crossover network and sloped baffle...to certaintly "behave" like a phasecorrect speaker(which you already know as well!)...I believe it was marketed as such...but the mid driver does have a 4th order crossover componet...not sure...at any rate...enjoy your Europas! I am an owner as well(as are many others)...and suffice to say....I have been very pleased with my purchase...they have that "liquid midrange" presentation which few have...I have mine 4 ft from the rear wall and and about 4 ft from side walls with a listening triangle distance of 9ft...they dont quite have the recessed sound of the SPicas...but they do have improved transparency, detail and bass...as well as imaging and soundstaging that can only be described as breathtaking...tell us what you think!
The Brits at Kef was making time (and phase?) coherant speakers 25 years ago with the 105. And they do image nicely.

Wake up & do some reading!!! Educate yourself before making incorrect rebuttals!