Speaker positioning?

I'm trying to figure out where in our living room is best to put our speakers. The room is 14'x25', and "bright" sounding. We just got a puppy, so floor "treatment" is unlikely soon, and I haven't talked my wife into wall or ceiling treatments.

I used to have the speakers about 6-8 feet apart in the middle of the long wall, and sat about 6 feet from them. They seemed too bass-y crammed against the wall like that.

Now have them along a short wall, at one end of the room. They are 2-3' from the side wall, and 4-5' from the back wall. I sit about 10' from them. This has helped the bass, but now the high-end seems overly bright.

We are on the verge of bringing some furniture in and putting the stereo gear into it (electrician and all) -- this may make my choices more or less permanent! I don't want to lock in anything I'll regret.

I would appreciate any suggestions on other positions to try.

You may want to try tweeter rings. They are felt rings that you adhere to the tweeter flange. they really help.

also you may want to experiment more with cables. Select a slightly warmer sounding cable such as Cardas.

Hope this helps,

I too have a 14x25 room, but it's a bit asymmetric, and because there's a 7' grand in the front, I've been forced to set up a 7.5' triangle about 10 feet out from the front wall. Sidewall splatter is tamed by stuffed furniture with throw pillows propped on top to stifle window and fireplace reflections. Wall-to-wall with a pad is absolutely CRITICAL
(train the damned puppy and get one of those child barriers for the doorways in the meantime if you have to!).
I like the short wall placement, as with a nearfield setup the room is less involved, and the stage is incredibly deep!
You may be able to get away with a throw-rug in front of and between the speakers if you set up in the nearfield, too. I just think your room is WAY to live for any other placement. The brightness is due to all those reflections and resonances. A warm cable won't help much, although it's not a bad idea.
Alhough I don't fully ascibe to the acousticians' "deader is better" rule fully, I find it's a better starting point then a "shouty" box! Good luck.
If you use the short wall, find the area on the side walls where the sound is reflected from. This is the spot on the wall that you would be able to see the speaker on that side in a mirror from your listening position. Place a large plant or some kind of furniture that will diffuse the sound instead of room treatments.
If you cant use a rug or carpet, you might not be able to tame the brightness caused by floor reflections. Maybe something you could roll out when you want to listen?
Good Luck
Thank you for your comments. To start, I tried sitting about 6 feet closer (about 8 feet from speakers that are 8 feet apart). An amazing difference, I can hear all sorts of detail that was lost further back. Still bright, but bright isn't as annoying when it gets you detail...

My wife and I argued today about the new CD player I want; maybe she'll give me some flexibility in the room if it means putting off the purchase...

Thanks again...

- Eric
Erick hi.I read your question about speaker positioning.Did you get some good advice?If you don't mind I am inerested in the Speaker positioning also.Could you share some advice with me? I think that you know me,because you wanted to buy my accuphase dp 75 if I am not mistaken.I thank you in advance.Leon.