Pops is right on. Thiel 3.6's are THE used speaker bargain. One thing to keep in mind is that you have to be careful about buying something that's going to have some parts availability. Hales are great speakers (I just picked up a used pair), but now that they're out of business and their ultimate fate is in question, they're a risky proposition. The Thiels reproduce a piano better than ANYTHING in this price range. Acoustic guitars, female vocals...incredible. Low end is deep and very tight. Acoustic bass is woody and palpable. And, when you're in the mood, they'll rock pretty hard. Impedance drops down into the 2ohm range, but your amp is a GREAT match. Bi-amp would be terrific. The 3.6 is still a current model which lists for $4450, but can be found used for as little as $1700 here on Audiogon. Plus, if you ever need service on them, Thiel is going to be around for a long time - And their service is first-rate.
Bottom line is that there are a TON of great speakers out there. You just need to find the one that "does it for you". All that we can do is offer suggestions to point you in the right direction. But if you're going to buy something w/o listening, stick with something that'll have some resale value (ie. demand). You may find a great deal on a "lesser" speaker, but odds are good that you'll have a hard time selling them if you're not satisfied. Hence, something like a Thiel 3.6, Vandersteen 3A, Dunlavy SCIII, etc., will allow you to experiment w/o getting burned. Have fun!!
Bottom line is that there are a TON of great speakers out there. You just need to find the one that "does it for you". All that we can do is offer suggestions to point you in the right direction. But if you're going to buy something w/o listening, stick with something that'll have some resale value (ie. demand). You may find a great deal on a "lesser" speaker, but odds are good that you'll have a hard time selling them if you're not satisfied. Hence, something like a Thiel 3.6, Vandersteen 3A, Dunlavy SCIII, etc., will allow you to experiment w/o getting burned. Have fun!!