What is the "design" of the "ULTIMATE" loudspeaker

anyone have thoughts about that ?
what would be the ultimate even if it's no still doable,loudspeaker system ?

and what are the monster loudspeakers already developped?

i know that Martin Logan have a huge 20 speakers sub system and a big front pannel speakers ...and mirage are still working on the OM-1 wich will retail at 25 000 USD and seems to be almost perfect..

Dan D'Agostino has written a "white paper" on how to make some minor adjustement to the B&W800's so that they can be actively bi-amped with his custom KBX electronic crossover.

He once called them "the best speaker on the planet." ................. I agree!

Best speaker on the planet?

Buy a pair of Infinity IRS Betas, and put the right stuff in front of them, and you'll never hear anything sound as good. Try it and see....if you can find a pair!

The following links have your answer:


