What would you do??

I currently own a set of ProAc Super Towers that are about twelve years old. They sounded terrific when I purchased them but the sound has really degraded with the subsequent destruction of the speaker surrounds by my cats. I have already replaced two of the four drivers and three are currently in sad shape right now. The cabinets are not too bad but they are not perfect. My question is would you go to the expense of replacing all the drivers or just go buy set of new speakers. The drivers are about $200 Can. a peice.It has been a few years since they have sounded really nice but I know that my wife would never let me spend the kind of dollars that those size ProAc's would fetch today so its either cheap replacement speakers or refurbish what I got. What would you do?
Pricha why not have the original woofers refoamed or even reconed? The surrounds can be economically replaced alone, provided that the cones are still in decent shape, or the whole voicecoil/spider cone/surround can be replaced in the original baskets. Contact Bob at Van L Speakerworks:
AKA (cats)A this time, I would suggest moving to stand mounted speakers. Sprays and such have never been effective on our cats and DE-clawing is out of the question (they have already had the ultimate alteration). My wife did not care much for "stands" in the living room until I picked up a pair of Target HR70's which match (balance) well with the JMR Twin's that I use. Never thought that she would actually like them, but she does, and they look much better than "catified" (AKA "ratified":-) speaker grills and cabinets. They soon gave up attempting to damage the powder coated finish and when they occasionally "leak" on the stands, it is easily cleaned up. Maybe time for a change?
Have some leads surgically installed into your cats (one cat per channel), then attach some speaker cable (the fur behind the neck works best), and allow your amp to vibrate the cats. This method of transduction produces a modicum of extraneous noise, and the bass reproduction isn't as good as the treble, however the soundstaging is remarkable.
you could try some of those metal waffle style grills. Maybe not attractive but that would protect things. And as a bonus metal conducts electricty so you could wire the grills up the the AC so that when the cat touches it, or pees on it, it will get shocked. Then'll s/he'll think twice. Sprays are not fun and I find declawing a bit cruel since it is an amputation of the first digit.
Dekay, They leak on the stands? Our good friend Maurice Richard (aka Mo and Momo) followed my wife home one day. We fed it what we had on hand that a cat would possibly consider as food. The very next morning, a Saturday, he showed up at our patio door looking like a slow heavyweight boxer after twelve rounds with a fast one. We tended to him that day as best we could and, come the next morning his eye was still shut tight and his face swollen. Taking out the yellow pages, we found a vet with weekend emergency service. After this, Momo adopted us. Well I'll spare you the details, $350. later the abscess was removed. Not to be undone my wife decided to have the ultimate insult to a male cat performed at the same time. A little later on, despite my less than strenuous objections (I could see some furniture, sound system saving aspect after all) she had the poor Momo declawed front and back. After a very slow recovery, his paws are now fine. Declawing is not a trivial matter. Well, and this might be the real point of this blurb, I think Momo is actually a dat. He comes when I call him (unless he is totally stuffed at the time, granting him some immunity from my calls), he walks by our side when we take a walk, wants to follow my wife to work every morning, and, I think this is the clincher, he likes short rides in the car or the occasional long snooze in the car when parked in the driveway, he just jumps in when the door is opened. He likes to sleep on the morning paper when we are reading it, and sleeps on the papers littering my desk for hours while I am working and listens to the music playing, his ears sometimes moving to catch some less than desirable feature of the tweeters, no doubt. It would be great to have those cute triangular ears to be able to move them, almost radar-like, to pick up on the artefacts of our systems, no? . And oh yes, he always asks for the door when in need and has never touched any of the speakers, floor standing or not (and that's three pairs in the house). Tell me is this a cat or a dat?