Speakers for the party system

Twice a year, we host a gathering of around 120 friends for several days. Across the years, we have gotten much better at supplying food, beverages, camp sites, showers etc. The issue is music for wild dancing! Until last year, we used the main floor of our house and our reference level sound system. Everyone was very happy but me... I always worried about spills, chills and expensive thrills. Last year, we finished the basement and moved the party downstairs. The room is almost the same size (900 sq ft), but with lower (9 foot) ceilings. I bought a fairly descent system, but the party girls wanted much more punch and thump. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced speaker that will really fill this room with booty moving magic? I've noticed some good deals on PSB scratch and dent stuff but have never heard these. My main system uses Dunlavy V with Plinius SA-100 monos, so the competition is fierce. Song selection includes everything from Mikey Hart to Mojo Nixon, Parliment to Massive Attack, The Beatles to Lou Reed...
Fatparrot has got it right. 6 years ago I was looking to go cheap as I could go on my wedding reception and there was no way I was going pay $600.00 for a dejay. I also knew my Naim 250 at 70 watts with Mission 727 speakers would never make any ballroom jump. But smarts prevailed and instead of a dejay I borrowed a friends "run of the mill" multi disc cd player instead of my Meridian 207 Pro player at the time and I rented a pair of large Cervin Vegas to use with my Naim 250 and 72 pre-amp. I loaded it with discs and let it run. It was so loud I never had to crank it full. It sounded better than a whole lot of dancing venues I've been to but guess what? Nobody cared including my self that one night.
Id say JBL's I have the ND310 dual 10" 3 ways, and they like power and like to be played with authority. Im powering them with a NAD C-370 120 wpc integrated and im sure ive had it as loud as your gonna need b4. Give em a try
I have the great speaker for you. They are the are the
KLF 20 (10") OR KLF 30 (12") I listened to them at Tweeter and they sounded really pretty good. You can get these speakers with dual 10" drivers or dual 12" drivers for fairly cheap prices. Email me back for details. As far as the sound they are a 3 way design with a horn tweeter horn midrange and the 2 woofers which ever configuration you pick. They Rock and was thinking about getting a pair myslef to do the same thing your talking about. You don't want good speakers getting stuff spilled on them or people pushing in the dome tweeters

Thanks ROCK ON
120 people? That is pretty huge! That many people packed into 900 ft is going to soak up all the energy you can throw. I'd say some big horns or pro-sound types would be the way to go. Party on dude!
LOL, i guess my idea of "good" speakers isint the same as yours lol. I always thought the Klipsch KLF 20 and 30 were really nice!. Those things are like 8-1000 dollars if im correct. I wount spend that much for party speakers, id just get some CV's or something i could use as planterboxes if they got ruined lol.

Happy Listening