I made my own set of Room Lenses using the Jon Risch recipe combined with Greg Weavers steps and Thorsten filling recipe. Let me tell that after they were finished, they spend about a year between two audiophiles friends systems and almost lost them. They made fantastic results on both systems and on different positions. The actual guide from RL manual are just that, a guide to start. Final set up will depend on room, kind of speakers used and trial. The effect in my case is to give a huge soundstage, there are more details and clarity too. depending on the center lense position, the vocalist are presented at different deepness. The DIY can cost around $60-200 depending on the quality and finishing of the bases. Mine are finished in solid pieces of Red Cedar and were made by a wood specialist. There was my extra cost. Regarding the other materials, just plane PVC tubing (2") and pillow filling at Wal-Mart.