Argent Room Lenses?

My wife and I have been discussing our options reguarding acoustic treatments. After looking at several different items, we've discovered that Argent Room Leses is something we both can live with. However, I was wondering if anyone at Audiogon has had any experience with them. Whether it is negative or postive, I would appreciate any input.
Sean, I heard Jahaira's setup when I went back home. Those things *are* ugly, but very effective. Personally, I think I can (and presently do) get effective room treatment w/out them. I am successfully combining good tasting decor with acoustic treatments.

BTW, Jahaira has played around with *the* wood...
I am curious about these "things". How do they work? Where do you place them? Are they limited to a certain frequency?
Do they subtract sound? Do they add sound? Do they neutralize sound? Is there a way to measure a room for appropriateness? How do you determine how many you need? If they are all the same size, how could they possibly have such consistent success in such varying systems/rooms?
To much questions to respond....just check out the reviews at their site for technical information. You will see different reccomendations, positioning, how they work, what to expect and so. Also, go to and search at the tweaker asylum under Room Lenses. Check the Jon Risch site too. You will see discussions on every question you may have.

...and yes, they work but don't need to be the original ($399.00/each) RL...the DIY version will do the same.
22 yrs ago,in my first home I had a live end dead end listening room using Sonex. The results in that room were spectacular.In years since I have been fortunate to have been able to use less and less room treatment. I have found by using specifically determined angles at the ceiling wall junction much of the lost energy that seems to collect at the ceiling and corners can be redirected back to the listener. The result is you have a much more natural listening environment without the use dynamic destroying, dampening materials. Before I implemented this system [with much advice from my friend Brent ] I used the Argent Room Lenses with much sucess.I still use the Lenses to contour the edges of the soundstage. I now think of sound waves as if they are fluid ,in that you can bend them and redirect them like a intake manifold or exhaust manifold does in an automobile.This new to me, rationale has resulted in a much better listening environment and greater listening pleasure. I am now experimenting with new accoustic devices which have so far been a total winner,and wow what an improvement.-Tom