Evo owners What speakers work well with your amp?

Just picked up a Bel Canto Evo 200.4. I would like to know what speakers work well with this amplifier. I would especially like to hear from Evo 200.4 owners, or 200.2s used as monos. Thanks in advance!
Heard the 200.2 monoblocks with Talon Khoruses and it didn't suck. Also drove Vandy 5s really well. Happy hunting.

Have a friend that has gone from Classe/KEF to Classe/B&WNautilus to BelCanto/B&W - I'll see if I can get him to post some thoughts, but I know he's REALLY happy.
Highly recommended by this Von Schweikert VR5 HSE Reference speakers owner/dealer and by Albert as well.
