good, small speakers

hi folks,

i'm currently looking to replace my ages-old spica sc's. my problem is that i live in a tiny nyc studio, so i need small speakers that aren't so fussy about placement. my current hardware is a linn classik (again, space is serious consideration -- did i mention "tiny studio?").

i loved the old pyramid met 7's; does anyone have experience with the new met 7.7 mk v's? how about the linn katans (the top end of size considerations) or kans? any other suggestions for small speakers which'll work well with the classik? price isn't as much of a consideration as size and forgiving limited placement options.


The jm reynaud's twins are a great small room speaker. I have them set up in my bedroom where I can't afford perfect placement and they are very forgiving. I also live in a small studio and the bass from these speakers is present, but not so much my neighbors have noticed. They're definately worth a listen.
Soliloquy Sat-5's. They don't care where they are placed. Also, with no ports, they easily go into a bookshelf or against a wall. They will crush Spica's performance in every which way except maybe imaging. Also, you may find that Spicas are extremely inefficient. You system will get much louder and tighter with new speakers.
I agree that the Totem Model 1 Signatures are very good, but I slightly prefer the ProAc Tablette Reference 8 Signatures. Incredibly good, and incredibly small. However, if utter disregard for placement (or placement in a very hostile situation - like in a bookshelf, with no space to the sides or the rear), the only speaker that I have found that seems to excel in this situation is the Induction Dynamics S2's. From what I could hear, they are almost indifferent to placement issues, and sound very, very good (though if placement were not so much of an issue, I'd still go with the ProAc's, which aren't too picky).
hi everyone,

thanks for all your recommendations, i'm making a list and checking on all these various options. a couple of items to clarify my situation further:

when i say "tiny studio" that means less than 400 square feet for me, the cat, 2 bikes, bed, sofa, etc. i truly mean tiny studio!

and the sad part of that is this means the speakers will probably be forced against a wall on stands (if i'm lucky) or onto bookshelves (if i'm not).

i've been reading some of the reviews of speakers already mentioned above, and i think some of them will have to be skipped in my listening test because the reviews specifically state the speakers suffer when too close to a wall. :-(

but please keep your recommendations coming!


p.s. anyone got some used kans, katans, or met 7s they want to sell? :-)
I'd try to find a pair of used Tukans. I've never run mine through a Classik, but understand that they are a great match. I've gone through a lot of monitors (including Gershman X-1s and Merlin TSM-Ms), but have always held onto my Tukans. I'm using a pair now in a bedroom system with a tiny little Totem dreamcatcher sub (a very space efficient solution that sounds great). The Tukans are designed for placement close to wall. Another option would be the Totem Arros (if you're interested in floorstanders). Its a great little speaker that does well against a wall (I have a pair of those as well...) Good luck.