Kelly- You sick audiophile you! Can't someone just have there head explode in peace and quiet with out the fear of having it broadcast on the net!! In any case if it makes it to the net I would like to see it.
I agree with everything everyone said already, but like Glen said, take your time, don't try to get everything done at once, chip away piece by piece. One day everything will come together and you'll be pleased with the conquest(audio is the same way, lol!). I think Paradigm is good stuff for the money as is B&W, but just be patient and wait for a good deal, there are plenty to be had you mind as well be one to get one of those deals. Heck my whole system is comprised of too good to be true deals, it only took 3 years! Good luck and enjoy!
I agree with everything everyone said already, but like Glen said, take your time, don't try to get everything done at once, chip away piece by piece. One day everything will come together and you'll be pleased with the conquest(audio is the same way, lol!). I think Paradigm is good stuff for the money as is B&W, but just be patient and wait for a good deal, there are plenty to be had you mind as well be one to get one of those deals. Heck my whole system is comprised of too good to be true deals, it only took 3 years! Good luck and enjoy!