Speaker recommendations for 2,500 or less?

My system is a Classe CAP 150 integrated amp with a Classe CDP1 cd player... What speakers would work best with my equipment? I would consider either a floor stand or a monitor speaker..
The Taylo monitors which are frequently auctioned on A'gon would fit the bill for detail and bass response. Add a sub like the ACI Titan II and you'd have a system that would rock with all types of music.
Heard nothing but good things about the Tyler Acoustics monitors. For floorstanders I'd add the Soliloquy 6.2s--very smooth, detailed, coherent, and disappear into the music. Best of luck.

Those talon peregrine speakers on audiogon now for 2500 with stands is one of the best deals i have ever come across. This speaker is almost as good as the original Khorus. Incredible!!! That is my advice for sure. If you dont go for these i would go for a pair of merlin vsm SEs. They are also incredible for the money. Either way is a sure win and they both kill just about (there are about 3 exceptions i know of) any speaker out there that are 6k or less. Email me for info on either pair. - Ian